School is out and there is the opportunity to spend more creative time with your children.  Summer is the perfect time to roll out the yoga mats and enjoy a creative sequence that will not only entertain your children but help them achieve balance and calm in their day.  You too!

One fun sequence I use with children is titled "Summer Fun" Instead of a yoga mat use your favorite beach towels instead.  Begin with oyster breath.  While sitting in straight leg position move into a forward bend and pretend you are an oyster closing to protect your pearl.  When you open your shell do it in short stages with sipping breath.

Next move onto your stomach and move into starfish pose.  This pose is exactly what you would think, arms and legs spread out to represent the legs on a starfish.  Lift your arms and legs slightly to imitate the curling of the starfish.  From here move your arms by your side and legs together.  Clasp your arms behind your back, lift your legs by bending them at the knees and you have just moved into fish pose.  Now to balance the body in flexion (folding in), roll over onto your back and bring your knees to chest with arms around your knees and head to knees and you are now a sea urchin that has folded in. As you move out of this ball balance on your buttocks with knees bent and lower legs parallel to the floor.  Reach with your arms towards your feet and you now are in boat pose.

You can use a plastic storage bin container of sand to give your child an opportunity to draw their name or a picture in the sand and maybe search for a few burried shells.  This is a great activity for finger isolation as well as tactile play and writing skills.

End the fun sequence with a short guided imagery of riding on the back of a dolphin or lying in the warm sand while the waves and sun refresh and warm your body.

Maybe your child will create a few poses of their own!  Enjoy


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