
In yoga we learn to breathe through anything and everything.  I decided to meet this challenge with the bubble blowing activity I outline in the book.  I have included twists and bends into the activity of blowing bubbles as a technique to help children better understand that we can breathe through it all!  As seen in the photographs, ask your child to twist to the left and blow, twist to the right and blow, blow straight up to the ceiling and blow straight down to the mat.  This will expand, stretch and teach your child to breathe in various postures. 

Yoga Journal recently shared a suggestion to lie on a swimming pool noodle to encourage chest expansion.  As I am always interested in new ways to encourage heart opening while stimulating potential for greater respiration, I tried it!  Love, love, love this restorative pose as it energetically opens the heart and physically provides extension and expansion for deeper breathing.
While your child is sitting on the mat, place the noodle in back of them and have them lie down and align their back and head on the noodle.  Be sure this is comfortable for the child as you may wish to slightly slide the noodle up away from the sacrum
Best bit of news is that Tundra is selling small noodles that are perfect for little backs.  Three minutes seems to do just fine.  Please let me know if you receive extra hugs from this heart opening pose.