True integration of childhood learning may sound like uno, dos, tres..... 
Recently, I asked two sisters to count with me as we held arch pose.   We would normally discuss what is crawling, slithering, or hopping underneath us in an effort to hold this pose.  Instead, we counted as high as we possiboy could in Spanish.  Why?, because the girls were excited about their new Spanish class at school.
I take everything that is brought to me and integrate it into the yoga practice.  Yoga is the union of all, the integration of the many facets we experience in life.  If at any time a child is bringing information to yoga, I choose to embrace it by incorporating this life aspect into our yoga flow.
Try it! Yo quiero yoga!!!!!!!!!

Wouldn't it be glorious if we could fly?  Well we can, just close your eyes and imagine yourself the most beautiful butterfly you have ever imagined you could be.  Begin your adventure by flying to the top of a swing set and looking over the yard to watch the children playing.   Swoop above each child being sure to flicker your wings in their vision.  As they follow your colorful swirling you take them to the edge of a gulley where a rope swing awaits them.  Each child takes a turn pushing a friend out over the gulley as they laugh with excitement.
Soon the children are following the quick flap of colorful wings over to the best climbing tree in town.  Each child climbs to a low branch where they sit and watch the butterfly do a colorful dance through the air.  From here the butterfly guides you through a field of wild flowers with colors of pink, purple, blue, orange and yellow.  Each place the butterefly leads you becomes an experience that feels as if it is real.
Encourage each child to describe their wings and let them add the next place the butterfly will lead you.