My intention is to create a space for parents and practitioners to comment, question and share experiences regarding yoga therapy for special children.
12/23/2009 11:14:04 am

Congratulations, Nancy, on your new website and your book! My best wishes for your continued journey in helping children.


12/26/2009 12:19:22 am

Thank you Leslie! I could not have shared it as well without your beautiful illustrations and how they captured the essence of each child.

Jean Locklund
12/27/2009 11:18:22 pm

Nancy - your new website is wonderful! I wish you great success with the new book and may it help and and bring inner peace to many young people.


12/28/2009 02:13:51 am

Hi Jean,
Thank you for your loving support.

12/30/2009 08:43:25 am

Awesome Nancy! You are fulfilling a vision that gives to so many.

12/30/2009 11:19:29 am

Thanks always for your love, encouragement and support!

12/31/2009 12:14:40 am

Thanks to Nancy's yoga classes and spiritual sharing I have become calmer, accepting and overall more at peace. She is a wonderful teacher and over the years I have observed her interactions with children and they are remarkable - she has so much patience and expertise to share.
Namaste Nancy- With Gratitude and Love

12/31/2009 02:07:45 am

You have blessed my life as a yoga student and friend. I am grateful for your feedback on the protocal that was used for the children. It is wonderful to know that this simple protocal has brought you so much balance and peace.


paula Kelly
1/1/2010 11:13:42 pm

I have known Nancy for 20 years and watched her grow into the amazing artist that she is. Her experience as a speech therapist and her love of the body has driven her to this amazing book. She has worked in the sensory Integration for years and became certified in Neurodevelopmental Therapy. In this process she has touched so many children and adults. I have grown beside Nancy and am in awe of what she has accomplished with this book. This book is well done. It pulls in both the functional world of motor therapies and the spiritual world that brings magic to any practice. Namaste my dear friend Paula

1/3/2010 01:01:31 am

Thank you for such a lovely compliment. I have always enjoyed my work with you and look forward to more creative treatment.
Love, Nancy


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