
One of my favorite tracks for yoga music is "Drum Medicine" by David & Steve Gordon.  This CD lends itself well to any form of vivid drum beat, such as first chakra work.
Add a flute for oral-motor/breath work and you have continued the theme.
Another beautiful CD is Carlos Nakai's new work with William Eaton and Will Clipman titled "Dancing into Silence".  This track is soft and flowing.
How about teepee pose to finish the theme?

These yoga buddies proceeded to both butterfly and flower asanas and enjoyed their opportunity to play dress up.  Capture the fun whenever possible and engage in our natural spirit of JOY!
What we think and what we chant become a part of us.  Could we actually become a walking symbol of peace if we choose to chant "Shanti" and paint landscapes of peace within our internal vision?

I would love to hear how you have created more peace in your life, please share with me.
I have had the great fortune this past academic year to spend time enjoying yoga therapy with preschool children who demonstrate speech and language delays.  I discovered that not only did breathing exercises relax and focus the children, mellow mantras worked just as well.
I have a short mantra where the child can select a word to place in the middle of the chant.
                        clapping hands while chanting the children sing two oms while clapping to the right, two oms clapping to the left and three oms clapping down the middle with hands placed high, middle and low.  Once the pattern is familiar we begin to add words.       
Shiva om shiva om, om om om
Shanti om, shanti om, om, om, om.

It becomes fun when the children in the class begin shouting out each other's names and their favorite animals and my personal favorite "almost om"
Living Now has announced awards for those books in 2011 that brought quality to the lives of others.  Please visit this site to discover an array of books that were recognized in several categories.

Everyone loves baby bunnies and animal poses are always a hit with children.  And how do they sound?  Try little kissing sounds or pucker your lower lip against your upper teeth to make a repetitive sucking sound.  You can help your students decide what the rabbit is eating! 

Ofcourse, mommy bunny, pictured below, is never far behind.


In yoga we learn to breathe through anything and everything.  I decided to meet this challenge with the bubble blowing activity I outline in the book.  I have included twists and bends into the activity of blowing bubbles as a technique to help children better understand that we can breathe through it all!  As seen in the photographs, ask your child to twist to the left and blow, twist to the right and blow, blow straight up to the ceiling and blow straight down to the mat.  This will expand, stretch and teach your child to breathe in various postures. 
True integration of childhood learning may sound like uno, dos, tres..... 
Recently, I asked two sisters to count with me as we held arch pose.   We would normally discuss what is crawling, slithering, or hopping underneath us in an effort to hold this pose.  Instead, we counted as high as we possiboy could in Spanish.  Why?, because the girls were excited about their new Spanish class at school.
I take everything that is brought to me and integrate it into the yoga practice.  Yoga is the union of all, the integration of the many facets we experience in life.  If at any time a child is bringing information to yoga, I choose to embrace it by incorporating this life aspect into our yoga flow.
Try it! Yo quiero yoga!!!!!!!!!